Nintiringanyi, Kunpuringanyi (Learning, Becoming strong)
Nintiringanyi, Kunpuringanyi is a visual representation of intergenerational weaving knowledge, shared through kami (grandmothers), ngunytju (mothers), untal(pa) (daughters), kangkuru (sisters) and kuntili and ngunytju (aunties). Kaltukatjara weavers used colour and material to create intricate pattern and structure, transforming simple steel frames into relief-style wall art. The collaborative installations are a celebration of skills, individual weaving styles and the important activity and connection that is deeply rooted in the art practice of NPY women; being together out bush, collecting grass, visiting Country, hunting, teaching, learning and earning. “I’m following the tracks my mother left. I was learning before from my mother Mrs. Kulitja, but now I am passing these skills on to others. This helps us keep going, and not to be lost” – Selina Kulitja
Joy Jackson belongs to the Ngaanyatjarra language group and lives in the remote community of Kaltukatjara (Docker River) in the Northern Territory. Joy is the daughter of senior Warakurna-based weaver Nancy Nyanyana Jackson and grew up watching her weave baskets and create fibre art sculptures. She started making tjanpi herself when workshops began happening in her home community in 2021.
Beryl Bell belongs to the Pitjantjatjarra and Ngaanyatjarra language groups, who lives in Kaltukatjara (Docker River) in the Northern Territory. She lived for several years at Mutitjulu community within the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park where she worked as a health worker in the local clinic, but has since returned to her ancestral Country.
Technical assistance by Ruby Henderson-Leconte and Jade Brockley.