Tali Ngura (Sandhill Country)
This is Yankunytjatjara Country. I paint this Country that is my home, Iwantja is a good place. It is an important place to me and my family. There are many rockholes and caves here, there is also sandhills and dry plains that stretch out very far. I paint the important places that I know well, that my mother shared with me. My mother started this art centre, I feel close to her when I am painting here amongst my aunties.
Trisha Singer is the daughter of founding Iwantja artist Kunmanara (Sadie) Singer [1950 – 2014]. Trisha grew up in Indulkana, going on to work at the local health clinic and then working at the Indulkana Anangu School, where she continues to assist with the coordination of the Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara language program. Trisha is a dedicated painter, working at Iwantja Arts alongside her sister Priscilla Singer, continuing to build on the legacy started by their mother some 40 years ago.