Camping on weekends at the outstation
On the weekends my father and Mr Munroe would take my cousins Jerusha and Veasha and I out camping. This is Country for the Munroe family. We would drive on the Warburton road, past the windmill with the red hills of Mantamaru behind us. Mr Charlie Munroe would tell my cousins and I to get some pigeons. We would collect some rocks to hunt the pigeons. Then we would bring the pigeons back to the camp and cook them on the fire for supper.
Leshell Kathy McLean was born in Kalgoorlie and belongs to the Ngaanyatjarra language and cultural group. She was brought up in Warburton where she lived with her family Queenie, Damion and Norma McLean. Leshell is an emerging artist with the Minyma Kutjara Arts Project. Her artworks retell childhood stories of the country where she spent weekend camping trips with her extended family.