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Rita Watson
Synthetic Polymer on Canvas
91.5 x 61.5 cm
Ninuku Arts


This is a story about Irlupa, a site near Papulankatja in Western Australia, a place where western Ngaayatjara and eastern Pitjantjatjara dielects diverge. This is Rita Watson’s father’s ngurra (country) where she spent time as young person and is home to many important Tjukurpa (dreaming) sites and stories and inma (songs) for Aṉangu in this area. Rita’s uncle was travelling from Irlupa to Pita Pita and saw his little brother (Rita’s father) born in a rock hole there. Rita paints the features of his camp such as tjukula (rock holes), kalyan kalyan (honey grevilla plant), tjanpi (spinifex), kampurarpa (bush tomatoes), punu (trees) and wiltja (windbreaks) in an iconographic milpajunanyi (traditional sand drawing) style.

Desert Mob is presented annually in Mparntwe | Alice Springs on Arrernte Country.

On behalf of Desart’s staff and art centre members, the Executive Committee humbly and respectfully acknowledge the Arrernte Apmereke Artweye (Traditional Owners) and Kwertengerle (Traditional Managers) of Mparntwe.


Desart respectfully advises Aboriginal readers that this website may contain names, images and artworks of people who have passed away.