Kungkarangkalpa (Seven Sisters Story)
This is a major Tjukurpa for Irrunytju (Wingellina) and across the central Australian deserts. The Seven Sisters travelled from Kaliwarra to Warnan in Western Australia, stopping at significant sites and rockholes including Kuru Ala, a sacred place for women. They encountered a lustful man named Wati Nyiru, who chased them around the desert. Some of the details of this Tjukurpa are sacred and can’t be repeated.
Angkaliya Nelson was born in 1960 at the Ernabella Mission in Pukatja, South Australia. She later grew up in Amata, where she met her husband and had two children. During the late 1970s and the Homeland Movement, Angkaliya and her family made the move west to Pipalyatjara to be closer to her traditional homelands. She continues to live in Pipalyatjara today. Angkaliya is a highly skilled craftswoman and artist. Like many other Anangu women, she has learned the craft of punu (wood carving and burning) and tjanpi (grass weaving).