Minyma Kutjara
This story is called Kungka Kutjara, or Two Sisters. It tells the story of two sisters travelling through the desert. As they travelled, their actions created landmarks such as rock holes and mountain ranges, forging a record of their travels across the land. Bonnie Connelly depicts these women at a place close to Kaltukatjara, where they travelled through a gap in the mountains.
Bonnie Connelly was born in Illurpa, a place near Papulantkutja (Blackstone) in the Ngaanyatjarra lands. When she was young her mother took her to Ernabella, later they moved to Angus Downs and then Mutitjulu. Bonnie’s father passed away in Alintjarra. She has a lot of family in Warakurna and in Papulantkutja. Bonnie’s father’s country is Papulantkutja. Bonnie has six children and is now an elderly grandmother and strong cultural woman. She has been painting for many years and has passed her knowledge and skills down to her daughters, Dianne and Marlene, who now paint for Kaltukatjara Art.