Jurlpu kuja kalu nyinami Yurntumu-wana (Birds that live around Yuendumu)
This painting depicts one of many jurlpu (bird) species that live around Yuendumu. The bush around Yuendumu provides many different habitats for birds to live in. Many bird species live around waterholes and rivers, like the pirniny-pirninypa (black fronted dotterel [Elseyornis melanops]) and ngatijirri (budgerigar [Melopsittacus undulates]). Others live in the spinifex country, like the nuwiyingki or panngarra (cockatiel [Nymphicus hollandicus]). Still others make nests in trees, like the juwayikirdi (grey crowned babbler [Pomatostomus temporalis]). A number of bird species tell people messages. Several species tell people when rain is coming, including the jintirr-jintirrpa (willy wagtail [Rhipidura leucophrys]) and kalwa (crane). The cries of other birds, like the kirrkalanji (brown falcon [Falco berigora]) and ngamirliri (bush stone curlew [Burhinus grallarius]), can make children sick. The paku paku (crested bellbird [Oreoica gutturalis]) and kurlukuku (diamond dove [Geopelia cuneata]) are messengers of love songs. People also use messages from birds to help them hunt. In Warlpiri culture, jurlpu (birds) are associated with a number of different Jukurrpa (Dreaming) stories.
Wilma Napangardi Poulson was born in Yuendumu. Her sister, Ivy Napangardi Poulson, is an artist also working with Warlukurlangu Artists. Wilma has been painting with Warlukurlangu Artists since 2004.She paints several jukurrpa which were passed down to her by her father and his father’s father. These stories relate to her land,its features and the plants and animals that inhabit it.