Nyungawarra Patjarr
I am painting Yankuntjuntju. It is my grandmother’s country, close to Patjarr. There’s a rockhole close. I like to paint my story, my grandfather’s, my grandmother’s. My father’s mother passed away at that rockhole, that is why I’m painting. My grandmother had two sons, two daughters. [She] passed away right there, rockhole side. I also paint Karrku, that’s ngayuku Tjukurrpa (my Dreaming). Echidna Dreaming in that place. I think about these stories and my family when I am painting. Proper story. Painting keeps my family and these stories close to me.
Nyungawarra Ward Napurrula is a Ngaatjatjarra woman who was born bush near Karrku, east of Karrkurritinytja, (Lake Macdonald) around 1956. Nyungawarra spent her early years moving around the country with her family. When she was a young girl, the family group, which included Nanyuma Napangati, was met by Jeremy Long and Nosepeg Tjupurrula to the west of Kiwirrkurra. The family group then moved to Papunya where Nyungawarra went to school. Nyungawarra now lives in Warakurna with her extended family.