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5 September
– 20 October


Desert Mob brings together hundreds of artists to celebrate desert culture in the heart of Australia. One of the nation’s oldest Aboriginal art festivals, Desert Mob features an exhibition, symposium and marketplace as well as public programs and satellite events throughout Mparntwe (Alice Springs). From the opening night celebration to community studio visits, evening curator talks, art workshops and musical performances, Desert Mob is a cultural event for all the community.

In 2024, the Desert Mob Exhibition features works by emerging and established artists from over 30 Aboriginal art centres across the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia. The Desert Mob Symposium is a day of presentations and performances led by artists and special guests sharing stories of culture, community and country. Desert Mob Marketplace is a buzzing art market offering the opportunity to acquire works directly from the artists who created them. Desert Mob After Dark is an evening of food, art, music and curator talks. 

Experience the unique program of cultural events that is Desert Mob during September and October

Artists in order of appearance: Rupert Jack, Dorcas Tinamayi Bennett, Pauline Golding, Kushia Young, Samuel Miller, Rosalind Yibardi & Sheryth Bronson, Kirsten Kulitja, Carlene Thompson, Stefan Smith, Dean Oliver, Marlene Rubuntja, Inawantji Jennifer Forbes & Angela Watson, Roma Butler and Alison Milyika Carroll. Our thanks to Warakurna Artists, Tjarlirli & Kaltukatjara Art, Tjanpi Desert Weavers, Ninuku Arts, Ernabella Arts, Ltyentye Apurte Traditional Craft Centre and Yarrenyty Arltere Artists for their support. Filmed on Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjarra and Arrernte countries. Videography and editing by Rhett Hammerton.  

Desert Mob is presented annually in Mparntwe | Alice Springs on Arrernte Country.

On behalf of Desart’s staff and art centre members, the Executive Committee humbly and respectfully acknowledge the Arrernte Apmereke Artweye (Traditional Owners) and Kwertengerle (Traditional Managers) of Mparntwe.


Desart respectfully advises Aboriginal readers that this website may contain names, images and artworks of people who have passed away.