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Warumungu lands cover a huge area, three or four different kinds of country. From mangkurru (plains) to wangarri (hills) and purnukurr (swamp country). In the summer we’ll go swimming! Roughly the boundary would be about 100 kays kankurru (south) of here to Karlu Karlu / Devils Marbles. Then you go kajunu (north) about 120 kays, 250 kays kakuru (east). Not too far karu (west), pretty much right here. Warrego is the boundary. The area is not that wide, but there’s a lot of diversity. And it’s rich, our manu (country).
Joseph Williams Jungarrayi
Nyinkka Nyunyu Art and Culture Centre is located on Warumungu land, and is home to the Nyinkka (the Spiky-tailed Goanna), a sacred and powerful ancestral being and Wirnkarra (Dreaming). At the heart of Nyinkka Nyunyu Art and Culture Centre lie the sacred rocks where the Nyinkka resides.