Mimili Maku Arts is a vibrant, contemporary art studio and cultural centre owned and governed by a strong board of Aṉangu directors. The art centre is in Mimili Community on the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY Lands) in the far north-west of South Australia.
Mimili Maku Arts is a place for intergenerational exchange and learning, where Aṉangu knowledge is maintained and lived daily. The centre is a thriving cultural space, celebrating Aṉangu knowledge, and connecting cultural leaders with the broader contemporary art discourse. Being a culturally safe workplace within which intergenerational learning can happen, the art centre offers professional development and employment opportunities to the next generation of Aṉangu in Mimili.
Mimili Maku Arts’ mission is to support future generations of Aṉangu to continue living on country while being able to access an independent and culturally affirming income through art-making. The centre is a space for artistic excellence as well as a platform to tackle the many social challenges experienced by Aṉangu living on the APY Lands. Home to some of Australia’s most celebrated artists, such as Betty Kuntiwa Pumani, Tuppy Ngintja Goodwin, Robert Fielding and the late Kunmanara (Mumu Mike) Williams, Mimili artists are renown for experimental, culturally potent and distinctive art forms.
The art centre’s core business is the creation of artwork, and the income created through art sales enables us to continually respond to the needs of community and follow the overarching vision of our Elders to educate the next generation of Aṉangu growing up on country and to support continued cultural practices and knowledge of the land.