Beth Mbitjana Inkamala

Beth Inkamala Mbitjana grew up in Ntaria (Hermannsburg), where she recalls observing her aunties working with pottery in the 1990s. As an adult she moved to Papunya with her husband and child, where they remained for 9 years. During this time Beth painted at the art centre in Papunya. In 2014 Beth started working at the Ntaria School as an assistant teacher. In this role she has taken an active part in facilitating the ‘pots that tell stories’ program, supporting the senior artists to mentor the children of Ntaria School. In 2014 Beth starting making her own work, developing a distinctive style. Since then Beth has dedicated more and more time to her pottery and is one of the more ambitious potters of the group. Beth is disciplined in her work, and her dedication to the Potters, interest in her local community and the world around her is taking her from strength to strength. Beth is the current Chair of Hermannsburg Potters.